Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I called and nobody answered.
I wrote and no one read.
I smiled and no one responded.
I knocked on the door and no one opened it for me.
I talked and no one listened.
I painted and nobody admired my piece.
I was hungry and no one gave me food to eat.
I was sad and nobody consoled me.
I was weak and no one lent a hand.
I was lost and nobody cared to show me the right direction.
I was alone and nobody accompanied me.
I was frustrated and no one encouraged me.
I was tired and nobody gave a room in the inn where I can rest.
I was naked and no one clothed me.
I toiled and nobody appreciated my work.
I left and nobody missed me.
I died and no one cried.
My broken spirit asked why and got an answer:
It was so because I was an invisible man.

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Bisan pa nga Maeayo Ka

Sa akong pagtueog

Guina-damgo ku ikaw,

Masadya ag puno it pag-eaum.